Dank Web Market Terminal
This is a player ran marketplace where you may list your items for sale across servers, sessions and restarts
This replaces store shelves in most circumstances but they will be kept for RP purposes
You may sell any item you can pocket for any price
Listings are created and sold directly from and into your pocket
You may create a max of one listing per item type
Listings last forever
When browsing listings the 100 cheapest listings will show
Transaction log which shows the last 100 transactions as a buyer/seller
Automated Buyers will buy any item listed for 50% or less than MSRP, and then sell it at a markup
Jerome - Buys drugs
Sasha - Buys guns
Anon - Buys BMI's
Dank Web Market Terminal:
This is how the marketplace is accessed
Any crafting job may buy this, Gun Dealer, Black Market Dealer, Drug Dealer etc
Limit of 1
Cost $2.5k each
When a sale is made through your machine you get a 5% commission
When buying stuff through your own machine the server gets the commission
Regardless of what job the owner is or you are you may purchase ANY item through this