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Your hud will display various things including your health, hunger, money, etc. You can enable and disable various things on the hud, like the laws, by going into your F4 settings.
At the top left of your screen there are various things, displayed. From left to right it displays
Your org(if you're in one), your job(can be set to something custom using /job “name”), your health, your hunger, your money, and your karma. If you've enabled money stats which you can read about HERE, you will also see that at the top left of your screen.
At the top right of your screen there are also more things that will be displayed. From left to right it displays: Admin mode(if staff and turned on), your FPS(enabled through F4 settings), server clock(enabled through F4 settings), world clock(enabled through F4 settings), server name, and the laws(can be disabled in F4 settings).
If there are any Credit Shop events active, they will be displayed at the top right of your screen, read more about that HERE.