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The Player Interaction System is a menu you will use to interact with other players without having to type a command or go into your F4 Menu. By default, when looking at a player you can press E to open this menu. This will then display this graphic over the player, however, your view will not be locked and you can freely move and look away from the player. If you would like to change the Keybind used to open this menu, you can do that in your F4 settings, and you may also disable the keyboard hint pop-up telling you what key to press to open this menu, however, the menu will still appear if you are in range and click E.

Screenshot (111).png
The first option displayed is "Warn to Leave", and will give the player a default leave warning with their name. Next is money, which will open another set of options for you, which you can read about HERE. Actions will open a second menu, read about that HERE, and Utility will also open up another menu, which you can read about HERE. For a quick selection of buttons, you may also use numbers 1-9 instead of your scroll wheel to select.
This menu will change when a player is zip tied, you may read more about that HERE.