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🔰 Ranks

Here you can set up the rank hierarchy of your organization as well as edit the permissions these ranks will be able or not able to utilize in order to interact with your ORG.Screenshot (98).png
  • Manage Org - Manage the ORG's relations tab, settings tab, name, and create and manage other ranks
  • Invite Members - Invite members to the org and use org posters
  • Kick Members - Kick any member who's rank has lower weight
  • Rank Members - Set the rank of any member who's rank has a lower weight
  • Set MOTD - Set the MOTD of the org
  • Withdraw Funds - Withdraw as much money as they want from the org bank
  • Withdraw Items - Withdraw as many items as they want from the org bank
  • Deposit Items - They can deposit items into the org bank

Screenshot (98).png