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Debrief is located in the northern sector of the ship just before the GG sector.

Debrief is always to be conducted after a Defcon 3 attack on the Liberator and his hosted by the Republic Naval.

The room is divided into 5 different seating/standing areas all which are dependant on rank and or battalion, make sure that you read the signs posted on these areas so that you are seated in the right one. The 5 different areas are: General public, Jedi, Master+, Officer+, XO+ and Navy. 

After everyone has been seated Debrief will start and will follow the agenda as stated below:
     1. Mission Statement
     2. PTS
     3. Promotions
     4. Optional Gamemaster PTS

Aside from the seating rules there are also a number of rules that should be followed during Debrief, listed below are all of them taken from the rules page:

  1. Opening (salute and sit down) (It is encouraged to take your helmet off for debrief) - Naval/Commanding Officer/Jedi Master+ PTS - Promotions - Closing Remarks and GM PTS.                
  2. Opening: Upon entering Debrief, stand at a chair and wait for the call to salute and sit down. If you need to go AFK, you may take your seat. The Naval hosting DB will stand at the podium awaiting the majority of clones to enter and get started. The mission statement will be given by Naval (or an officer if no naval are available) summarizing the event and results of the mission.    
  3. Naval/Officer PTS: An individual from each battalion may move to the stage for PTS.   
  4. Promotions: Officers and Naval may go up and promote battalion members.   
  5. Closing Remarks: Tip of the day (optional) and dismissal from debrief.    
  6. Optional Game Master PTS: A chance to talk with the GM directly to provide feedback and/or give praise.

If an Optional DB is called, you can come and go as you please, however do not be disruptive.

Do keep in mind to follow these rules as they will be enforced by present CG who are in charge of keeping the peace.