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Arrest Severities

Jailing are divided into different severities depending on the rule broken. This also impacts the time of the jail and the cost of the bail if bailable. Listed down below are the different severities and their details:

Sev 1 - 5 Minutes - 4000 RC bail

  • Weapon Pointed 

  • Jumping on Rails

  • Breaking PTS

Sev 2 - 10 Minutes - 6000 RC Bail

  • Mic/Chat Spam

  • Bunny Hopping

  • Abuse of Force Powers (Minor)

  • DB Violation

Sev 3 - 15 Minutes - 10000 RC Bail

  • Minging/FailRP

  • Illegal Training - Not in use by the Coruscant Guard

  • AOS Area Violation

  • Repeat Offender
  • Refusing Officer/CG Orders

  • Misuse of Military Communications

  • Staff Arrest
  • Misuse of military communication

Sev 4 - 30 Minutes - Not Bailable

  • Abuse of Force powers (Major)

  • Breaking Brotherhood Code (BBHC)

  • Partaking in Riot/Instigating Riot

  • Disrespect to Battalion or Superior