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Communications (/c, /comms)
Used during events to communicate important information between battalions and during downtime for in-character roleplay. In-character.
Secure Communications (/secc)
Used as a secure line of communication between clones and other members of the Galactic Republic. In-character.


Broadcast (/b)
Used to communicate to the entire ship. Primarily used by Naval to communicate the DEFCONs and by battalion officers to notify the claiming of areas. Not to be used for general in-character chatter. In-character.


Sector Broadcast (/room)
Used to communicate between members within the same area / room, i.e starting and ending simulations. In-character.


Group (/g, u)
Used to communicate with members in the same battalion. In-character.


OOC (/ooc, //)
Used for general out-of-character chatter. Out-of-character.


PM (/pm)
Used to privately talk to other players. Out-of-character.
Trainer (/t)
Communication channel for all players with access to the /train command. In character.


Help (/h)
Communication channel for all players with less than 10 hours played or more than 500 hours played. Out of character. (Please do not misuse this channel.)


Staff Sit (@) 
Contacting Staff this Command should be used for a Proper Reason.
(Do Not Call a Staff Member Just for Fun there must be a Good Reason)
.ig You are Stuck. You need a Money Transfer.Reporting RDM.Etc