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Party System
Allows you to party up with friends and share RP relation with them through the F4 Menu

The party system replaces using /job for RP relation, /radio and /channel to chat
Click create a party in the F4 actions menu & invite whoever you'd like
Only the owner of the party may invite and kick people from the party
The name of the party is displayed as part of your job name everywhere it is displayed
When the owner leaves a party ownership of it is given to whoever else in the party has been AFK for the least amount of time
Use /p to chat with your party
Toggle shared voice chat from the F4 menu
This allows you to voice chat with anyone else in your party that also has it enabled
Invite/Kick players from the F4 menu or by pressing E on them
You may add your party to biometrics
You may add your party to doors
You may see your fellow party members Health, Armor, and Hunger