A list of all the jobs, how they work, and what they can do
This is the default starter class that everyone who joins into the server will be. A Citizen cann...
This job is similar to Citizen, however it has the ability to strangle others using /strangle whi...
As a Hitman you can collect hits for money, hits on current players are displayed in the top left...
Zombie (Legacy)
The Zombie is a class was accessible on ZombieRP(Discontinued). The purpose of this class it to j...
DJ's are able to buy radios from F4 menu and play music on them. DJs cannot mug, raid or take hos...
Casino Owner
Casino Owners are able to buy gambling machines through the F4 Shop and make money from gambling ...
Cinema Owner
The Cinema Owner can use his Cinema which is located by fountain near the Police Station. Follow ...
The Mayor is voted in. You can run for Mayor in the "Jobs" category of the F4 menu if there are n...
Police Chief
The Police Chief runs the Police Department, he is only outranked by the Mayor when it comes to d...
The Police are meant to arrest Criminals, you can tell if someone is wanted by either looking at ...
The Detective is considered a member of the police department. He has the ability to potentially ...
The Mercenary is similar to Hacker in that he needs to be hired in order to raid, mug or take hos...
Security Guard
The Security Guard is not a part of the police. He has a Stun Baton and a taser but beware, using...
The Escort can make money by selling sex to other players. They can do this either through the F4...
Hobo King
The Hobo King is the king of all the Hobos. He can make money by digging through dumpsters (Press...
Similar to Hobo King, Hobos can make money by digging through dumpsters. This can then be sold to...
Meth Head
The Meth Head class is KOS, they spawn underground but can sometimes survive for a short period o...
Gun Dealer
The gun dealer is a good way to make some money, you can place shelves and sell guns to people th...
Black Market Dealer
The Black Market Dealer can buy and sell black market items to other people. It's said to be a go...
Drug Dealer
The Drug Dealer specializes in the art of making and selling drugs, it is not a raiding class and...
The Bartender specializes in making a bunch of different drinks! It can be made in his alcohol la...
The Cook is a class that cannot raid, mug or take hostages. The primary role of a cook is to make...
This class can heal others and himself, you can buy a medic lab which other people can heal from ...
Scrap Dealer
Sells 3 types of scrap for use in crafting machinery: Metal Scrap - Gun Labs Composite ...
Free Runner
This class is a raiding class and spawns in with a Climb Swep, with this SWEP they are capable of...
This class is a raiding class, he spawns in with combo fists and these are capable of even knocki...
Thieves specialize in lockpicking doors, they spawn in with a lockpick and deployable lockdrill a...
Professional Thief
The Professional Thief is a step up from the normal thief. It spawns in with a regular lockpick a...
The Anarchist is a raiding class capable of taking hostages, mugging, and pickpocketing. You can ...
The Protestor hates government and does not believe government has a place in our world. This cla...
The Hacker is a raiding class that specializes in hacking. He carries a Keypad Cracker and a Depl...
Custom Classes
Custom Classes are Jobs that players have paid for to have tied to their org. They are very expen...
Birthday Squad
The Birthday Squad custom class is a part of the 'Happy Birthday' organization. Owner: Gray THI...
Destruction Elite
The Destruction Elite custom class is a-part of the 'DesTruction ExTreMe' organization. Owner: U...
The Chachi custom class is a-part of the 'K I ▽ N G' organization. Owner: Metric THIS JOB CAN R...
The ai custom class is a-part of the 'UWU' organization. Owner: smashy THIS JOB CAN RAID, MUG &...
The Yakuza custom class is a-part of the 'ま' organization. Owner: RookieRilo THIS JOB CAN RAID ...
The Orion custom class is a-part of the 'Orion' organization. Owner: Boxy THIS JOB CAN RAID, MU...
The Angel custom class is a-part of the '卄乇几ㄒ卂丨' organization. Owner: Hecktik THIS JOB CAN RAID...
The Acolyte custom class is a-part of the '『SECT』' organization. Owner: Danny Reinheld THIS JOB...
The Skellington custom class is a-part of the 'Merry Christmas' organization. Owner: SpaceGandal...
The UTOPIA custom class is a-part of the 'CHIRAQ NIGGAS OBLA' organization. Owner: mikey THIS J...
The Erk custom class is a-part of the 'The Collective' organization. Owner: Erk THIS JOB CANNOT...
In the beginning, God greated the Heavens and the Earth, then he created the Voidmaster custom cl...